Why Should My Child Attend a Christian School?

The advantage of a education in a Christian principles based is Christian schools offer a better level of instruction.  There is no question about it.

Every subject is taught and based on biblical principles. One thing is to know things and other completely different to understand it.

Christian values and attitudes are taught and emphasized in the Christian school. The overt effects of violence and immorality so commons public schools clearly demonstrate the need for a Christian education.

The Christian ethics and morals expounded in your home and church are reinforced in the Christian school classroom. Nurturing a child with Biblical truth is an excellent way to equip him for maturity.

The Christian values taught in the Christian home and reinforced in the Christian school enable your child to deal with a troubled world without succumbing to its troubles, another reason you send your child to a Christian school.

Genesis Christian School
9426 Telephone Rd
Houston, TX 77075
Phone : (713) 991-5764
Fax : (713) 991-5791